700 people - so how many rooms are we talking about? I seem to recall the RI arrangements called for double occupancy. For now, lets say 300 rooms.

(Wonder if there'd be 700 people? How many at RI lived w/in 100 miles of Providence? Is this a factor?)

As for reservations, lets presume we're looking at the year 2000 at the earliest. Should be enough time to work out arrangements. There may even be hotels under construction that'll be ready in two years.

As for those families who return year after year to the Mackinac/Mackinaw area - how much of a factor is that if the Reunion was held well after school started? The hotel on the Island itself has 236 rooms. Sure you won't get all of those, but if you get 150, thats half of what is needed. The other 150 in Mackinaw City.

It wouldn't surprise me if Traverse City could easily handle 300 rooms in early October. Its a resort area - there's a lot of hotels and several are quite ritzy. (Remember - ritzy up here may have a different meaning than the East Coast )

Let's look at this as a challenge not an impossibility. Sure there's the need for some different logistics, but we can solve this one. Is anybody a travel agent or have one in the family?

The biggest obstacle might be finding a ball room or restaurant or the like big enough for everyone to eat together.

Instead of a lobster dinner the local area folks will probably want Walleye - and I'm sure we can find some stuffed rodents for our southwestern friends. (g,d&r) And there are lots and lots of great lighthouses for all!
