
IF you have your film in lead pouches in your baggage you may be OK. I did not say otherwise. Most people do not have one of the lead pouches. Also remember that tody they will have the power on all the machines turned up to make a more thorough check of the item. IF you hand carry the film, and ask that it be hand checked, they will most likely test each and every container for residue. If you have enough lead lined bags and have it packed in your carry on bag, they may not check it. Given today's environment,though, I would plan on anything that could not be seen thru by x-ray to be hand inspected.

Here is a link to a page about protective pouches

Scroll down the page to the discussion on x-ray including a suggestion that you never leave film in your checked baggage, even in a lead protective package.

Here is an interesting link from Kodak and one person's story about their experience with film and x-rays.



[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 09-25-2001).]