Originally posted by Lighthouser:
Well, that's a good idea for a poll. It will show what the active members here feel, at least those of that group who aren't out of town or otherwise occupied.

What it won't show is what the actual HL Collector's Society members as a whole feel.

Judy's points are well-taken. This poll will show how a specific group feels... at least it should.

But it reminds me of the polls often sent out by Congress. "We'll have gun control when they pry it from my cold dead hand... what's your position?" and the questions are all designed to to reinforce the sender's position.

You obviously have an opinion and it comes through in the poll.

When you're designing a survey, it must be from a neutral position and the answer choices have to cover the range of possible positions by everyone. Those in favor, those opposed, those with no opinion and those with a neutral opinion.

Don't misunderstand here. You are entitled to your position; it's clearly a valid one and there is some segment of the group that agrees. I'm NOT criticizing your position.

As for the 'exclusivity' of the Legacy for Society members: keeping a document that's posted online 'private' is like trying to put the genie back in the bottle. No way.

Someone, somewhere will pass the link and password on to a friend.

It would be very difficult to provide a common username and an individual password to each of the Society members.

Maybe an 'early peek' at the publication? Send a link to Society members and then post the link on the website 2 weeks later? Again, though, once several thousand people get the link, some will pass it on to those not on the 'early peek' list.