Lessee - if I remember right the first anniversary is 'paper'. Somehow that doesn't seem fitting for the cyberworld - how 'bout 'pixels' instead. :-)

While 8/11 is the first anniversary of the HL-dot-com site as the 'Official' HL site, JC has been doing an HL Web site for several years now. (starting in '96 was it?) Only last year was his work brought under the Harbour Lights corporate wing. What started mostly as a Secondary Market page evolved into an educational venue extraordinaire.

I remember the first time I bumped into John on-line was in '96 (I think) I sent him an E-mail inquiring 'what's this Assateague variation thing?'. He pointed me to the answer contained on an early edition of the HLCIC (Harbour Lights Collectors Information Center) - the site that through John's tireless efforts eventually evolved into HL-dot-com.

Folks, you don't know just how hard this guy has worked to put this little virtual community together - and not, I suspect, at inconsiderable out-of-pocket expense. Starting as a small but hardy band on AOL the on-line HL community has grown to what it is today. The group has grown as the Web has shrunk the geographical distances between us, and JC's Web sites are at the hub of it all.

I personally cannot say enough in the way of Thank You, John - its a real pleasure to know and work with you. Harbour Lights couldn't have a finer Webmaster and the HL collecting community couldn't have a better advocate and friend. Kudos for all you've done and Happy Anniversary. And, to reiterate Todd's remarks, thanks to Pablo for his marvelous photography - there seems to be nowhere he won't go, or nothing he won't try to bring us the great shots we enjoy.

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 08-22-99).]