I want to thank Sean for providing a place that I could send my lists of what's able yet at retail. My wife and I went to over 250 stores the first year we started collecting HL. I kept lists, before Sean even had started the R@R and traded the info with others that were looking also.
Once the R@R got under way it gave me another excuse to go to more stores while looking for that Mulkilteo or that Graves variation. It also provided an opening, when the clerk or owner would ask what I was doing. Upon telling them that there was a service (R@R) that would help match them up with customers wanting lighthouses they still had on the shelves, they would often go and check their stock in the storeroom just in case something didn't make it out to the shelves. So did it not only make my wife and I feel good sharing with other collectors (as a few collectors on AOL had helped us when we started), but we found a few gems along the way and got us out of the house.
So thanks again Sean for your work at R@R. I feel it helps collectors looking, dealers selling, collectors providing info and most of all Harbour Lights lighthouses retiring.

Paul L Brady

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!