Many of my 176 HL collection have come through Retired@Retail. In away R@R is like the old Ivory Soap ad that read "99 44/100% pure". I say this because if R@R said it was at a certain location, "99 44/100% sure" it was still there. (I believe all the older collectors will remember that ad.)

Obviously, most of the HL Wacko Group enjoy their computers but how many of us would be able to sacrifice the amount of time necessary to take care of the many requests from fellow collectors. I attended a Rotary Club function last night where my daughter-in-law, Michelle, was honored as "Educator of the Year". The motto of the Rotary is "Service before thyself." If Harbour Lights had such a distinguished award, Sean Thompson would definitely be worthy of it.

A "Tip of the Captain's Cover (hat)" goes out to Sean for all his efforts on behalf of HL Collectors everywhere except for Fred. I say this because Fred never had to use R@R for his collection because he has got them all right from the start (lucky guy!).

Two thumbs up on this "win-win" service!

That's the word from the East Coast where we are covered in a winter-white blanket at 20 degrees. * < ^ > *