Lighten up there Matisse. You're gonna blow a hippocmapus fit!

I don't get to chat NEARLY as often as I'd like but when I do, it's kinda' like walking into a room full of friends for a little socializing. Everybody says 'HI' and maybe 'Welcome'. There's a little group over here talking about something and another over there talking about something else. I'm free to join or not, participate or not. For me it's a social occasion with my Harbour Lights friends both old and new. Like any social occasion, sometimes we talk about HL, sometimes about the weather, sometimes about almost anything under the sun. Sometimes we're serious and sometimes were just plain goofy. It's spontaneous and it's fun.

Leave the chat room just like it is. We've got the Forums for structured, specific HL topics and a tremendous wealth of HL information, advice and tips in them.

Thats my not so humble opinion from near the Gulf Coast of Louisiana where it's a full moon in a clear sky and 60 degrees.

Keepin' the flame