Typical story - had looked at HL over the years, admiring the quality. Had always liked lighthouses. Just never seemed to buy one. One of the Hallmark dealers we visited while collecting Hallmark ornaments also sold HL. One day each December they put a coupon in the paper for 25% off. Finally convinced my wife that the Stamp set would make a great Christmas gift- after all, you got not one, but five lights and we had the 25% off coupon.

Next purchase, about a month later, was the first Collector's Society membership kit, for 25% off because they remembered us buying the Stamp Set! Been kind of a downhill slide into major poverty since then. Have been able to clean the dealer out of older retired pieces they still had over the past 20 months. Gotta win the lottery or something here real soon!


p.s. anyone looking for a good deal on Hallmark ornaments? Gotta free up some cash for HL!

[This message has been edited by Dave H (edited 10-10-99).]