I’m pleased to announce that the Wacko Pin Committee has decided to redefine the meaning of Wacko to mean everyone who is crazy about Harbour Lights lighthouses. In other words, in the context of the Wacko Pin project, the term ‘Wacko’ has nothing to do with the number of posts made to these Fora. By doing so the upcoming Wacko 2001 pin will be available to everyone for the benefit of the St. George Reef Lighthouse Preservation Society. St. George Reef lighthouse overwhelmingly won the voting.

Since we will get to place only one order with the pin manufacturer, we ask that you please place your prepaid order no later than Saturday, September 2, 2000. Should you wish to pay by check or money order I will NOT cash or deposit your check or money order until after September 2. In case we do not receive enough orders to purchase the minimum quantity of pins, I will return your check or money order to you. If you choose to use PayPal I will of course refund your payment likewise.

I thank everyone who emailed suggestions on the Wacko Pin project. I also thank everyone who emailed me their intentions to purchase, too.

If you would like to purchase the new Wacko 2001 Pin depicting the St. George Reef, California lighthouse with the proceeds going to the benefit of this very needy lighthouse, please email me at Lamar@gs.verio.net . I will immediately send you an order form.

Thank you for your support of this project.