Originally posted by Dave H:
Photo Editor was a part of Office 1997, 2000, and XP. Picture Manager is the current program included with Office.

I have yet to purchase a scanner, ink jet printer or digital camera that did not come with some version of photo editing software.

There is no way we can address every question about every possible software program that might be in use by one of our members. Resizing a photo is one of the most basic components of each of these programs and is generally pretty easy to do. Once you have opened the photo in the software you are using look under the "picture" or "image" menu for something concerning resizing. (These menus are a fairly standard location for these options.) Use the 500 pixel maximum on the longest dimension. Be sure that the choice to keep the image proportional is checked.
I have an older version of Office than 1997. It is perfectly true that most cameras etc come with some kind of software. Most of it is a PITA to use. I have Kodak Easy Share, and If I could figure out how to ditch it and still get the images out of my camera I would. I hate it (although I like the camera).

In any case, if you are writing step by step directions for easy posting of photos, some indication needs to be made for a less computer literate person such as myself that the program Photo Editor is just one of a variety of programs which could be used, and is not the only one that should be used.