The new forum software allows for the use of Avatars - graphic images which can serve as a personal 'logo' and which will appear below your name when you post.

The software allows me to limit those who can have Avatars based on their 'level' - i.e Administrators, Cruise Directors, Wackos, etc.

Right now the permission is sent to 'Administrators' (Known in these parts as 'Saints'.)

The software comes with a few cheesy images (like the one I picked at left) - 15 in total from which to choose, but you can also post your own image as an avatar.

This can be an actual photo or a non-copyrighted image.

You will be able create your own Avatar if you have the graphics program. Avatars are limited to 48 pixels by 48 pixels.

You select your Avatar through your profile. Saints please give it a try and in a week or so, we'll open it up to WACKOs.

Comments from all are welcome as to this feature.