Here's some tips on how to display in a forum message a picture you've put on

I'm assuming you know how to put your pictures on Photopoint - I've never done this myself, but its a free way to put pictures on the Web and likewise to post them here.

0. Open two browsers. In one go to Photopoint. In the other go here to the forums, and open a message box in the thread where you want to post your picture.

1. Back to the Photopoint browser. From your Album List, click on the category containing the picture you want to post here.

2. You should see your pictures in 'thumbnail view'. Click on the small version of the picture you want to post.

3. You should see a large version your picture within the Photopoint array of advertisements and such. Position your mouse on the large picture and click. This is the key step.

4. You should now see your large picture in the browser all by itself - no Photopoint, no ads - just your pictuer. Now swipe your mouse acroos the address line (the link, URL, the thing starting with 'http:....') and copy it using Control-C (Ctrl-C). Make sure you get the entire line.

6. Back to the Forum browser. Position your mouse in the message edit box. Paste in the link you just copied by pressing Control-V (Ctrl-V). You should see the link address in the message box.

7. In front of the link type ">.

So it looks like:

8. Don't worry if the line wraps around in the message box - and don't try to change it even if you think it wraps kinda funny. Its OK.

9. Move your the cursor to the end of the line you've just inserted and press Enter a couple time to move the cursor down a few lines. You can now type in text or your signature, or even insert another picture from Photopoint.

Hopefully this works for you. If I've missed something in the instructions or if they're not clear, send me an E-mail and I'll fix. Have fun!

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 01-24-2001).]