Wanna see whats in one of the cookies sent by this or any site? Wanna listen to clown music while you read this message?

Swipe the code snippet below, copy it (Ctrl-C), go back to the main forum page and paste it (Ctrl-V) into your browser's address field, then press Enter.


For this site you'll see info such as your
DaysPrune (how many days worth of messages to show)
Your last login time

Each site that uses cookies (most all do) stores the information of their choice in their cookie, so you won't find this same data at each site. Nowadays, cookies are largely benign and unavoidable. They are local to the machine you are using and don't follow you to different machines.

Each time you receive a Web page your browser disconnects from the server that sent it. A cookie is one way a Web site is reminded who you are each time you connect, thus allowing your journey to the site to be woven into a conversation that spans each connection.

St. Krusty

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 12-10-2000).]