Congratulations! We have another winner....

Here's the list of winners from the past 11 months: (Not eligible for this drawing)

Jun 07 Jim Gullo - First Order Fresnel
Jul 07 Rick (Kory 63) - Hospital Point MA
Aug 07 Margret (Lighthouse-Duo) - Galveston Jetty
Sep 07 Mark (Zandar) - Racine Reef WI
Oct 07 Frank Carbone - USCG Taney Set
Nov 07 Bob Taylor (Bob In The Berkshires) - ??
Dec 07 Grace Hewett (Beachcomber) - Bass Harbor ME GLOW
Jan 08 Kim Fuller (lvhrbrlts) - Sand Key FL
Feb 08 Bill (Sooner Schooner) - New Cape Henry VA
Mar 08 Max Brail - Hereford 4th order Fresnel Lens
Apr 08 CGBuoy Tender - ??

And add Fran to this list. She's the winner of for the month of May, 2008.

You know the prize, Fran. Pick a currently available Harbour Lights lighthouse. (I'm sure Tony will let you wait until one of the June editions is out.)

Just email me your choice Fran and I'll pass it on the HL HQ.

Thanks to the 94 members who posted on the CF during May -- And thanks to Harbour Lights for keeping this prize going!