I have to agree with Judy. The Youngers are doing their best to keep costs down as much as possible. The cost of their limited editions have virtually remained the same for the past 14-15 years. Their services have also remained top notch and their overall quality has increased while keeping the costs down.

The "free" lighthouse for the $39 dues is a bargain. If people are unhappy with the $9.00 increase in dues then tell them not to play bingo or the lotto or whatever they do just one time. The membership gift is a nice gesture by the Youngers so don't look a gift horse in the mouth. Be happy that your getting that as the Youngers don't have to do it at all. Tell these people to give up a movie and popcorn for one Saturday night or give up going out to eat one time and that will pay for the membership and free gift. People like to complain(I'm included in that statement) but let's be real and find something that's worthwhile to complain about. I don't think a $9.00 increase in dues once a year or the deletion of a pin and print will kill anyone.
