Hi everyone! I just wanted to stick my head in and say thanks for helping me out and signing the petition and rallying for support. I am up to about 700 signatures and will be updating the site shortly. I will be meeting with Nancy Younger at Hereford Lighthouse during the NJ LIghthouse Challenge to let her know to expect the signatures soon. I have also been thinking about taking the next big leap and starting a non-profit group dedicated to rebuilding the lighthouse in full scale...i mean, why settle for one only 6 inches tall, right? smile The ideas are still forming, but I think that it would be feasible...might take years to accomplish, but it would be worth the wait. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions about such a project I'm anxious to hear them...

Thanks again for all your support! Keep watching the website for more information and pictures from the meeting with Mrs. Younger.

-Jen King

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