I do agree that a HL Guide would be a handy thing to have for any collector, new or old. I keep the "Greenbook Guide" right next to my computer. I often refer to it when browsing through eBay looking at the HLs on auction. It's a very useful tool when it comes to learning more about HLs. Hopefully, Greenbook will publish an updated version that will cover all HL products through the present.

A revised Rutherford Guide? Obviously, they have dropped out of sight so I don't think they will be doing it. Maybe it's time for the Youngers to commission someone to put such a book together. I know they are extremely busy people but such a guide would definitely benefit all HL collectors and Younger & Associates.

I would like the book to contain a history of the Youngers' efforts to bring attention to the plight of many lights around the country and the world. It would be great to have photos of the manufacturing process and the artists in action. Each HL produced from HL 101 to the latest model would have a separate page with photos of the actual light, the HL model, and a history of that light. A retail price when new, the amount manufactured, the amount sold, and the current secondary market worth would also be nice. Photos from the first two reunions and maybe the third. Photos of some of our serious collectors and those folks who have had a major influence on all us collectors with their dedication to the product, like John Chidester and Paul Brady.

Any serious HL collector feels like they are a member of the HL Family. The new guide should express this so that future serious collectors will be well aware of the enjoyment of joining this circle of friends.

That's the word from the East Coast!


[This message has been edited by Bob M (edited 01-15-2001).]