I also had a great time at the meeting on Sunday. I drove over 2.5 hours to get there (with a side trip to visit with my nephews in Massapequa). But it was well worth the trip.
Since the walkway to the LH was covered with ice and snow,and I didn't want to chance falling and destroying my lighthouses, I decided to leave my LH in the car. When Bill heard that I had LHs to sign, he agreed to come out to my car and sign them for me. It was great! I still can't believe he went through all that trouble. And there we stood, in slush and puddles, while he signed my Christmas collection. He even gave me directions to the Staten Island LH so I could stop on my way home. You can tell this is his passion, not just a business.
It was also great meeting some of the other Wackos there. I found out that I'm not as bad as Donna with respsct to buying many LHs in a short period of time. I think she has the sickness worse than me. (Although my husband still thinks I'm insane)