Dennis is absolutely correct when he says that it was cold and very windy at Watch Hill. Sharon and I stopped on our way to the hotel on Friday night.

Dennis, posted great pictures of the daytime photos, here are two of the evening shots I took. Nice but not spectacular sunset.

If you look at that flag up on the pole it was straight out. One minute of filming made ones hands turn white from the cold.

Here are a couple of the Stonington Light. Not very big, but very impressive. The caretakers of the museum where very nice and accomodating to all who entered.

That's Sharon entering the front door of the lighthouse and a couple of our group up in the tower.

Some of our group waiting to climb the tower at Mystic Seaport. Another cold spot, but Hot Chocolate was waiting in the wings.

An indication of just how cold it was. You can see the bay behind the vessel is completely frozen over. Not unusual in a New England winter.


No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. -Anonymous