There are various ways to post .gif's and .jpg's. In my case, first I went to and joined for a website (it's free and they give you 20 meg of free space. more than enough to post lots of images.). Then I searched for "animated .gifs" with infoseek (or any search feature) and just went to all the sites. When I found one I liked, I simply right-clicked on the image, and saved it to my hard drive. Then from my website, I uploaded the saved image and saved it on my website. Create a link to the website image and presto! Now I bet I have totally confused you! Don't worry, it's very easy. If I can do it, anyone can. There are many others here on the forum who are much more knowledgeable than me and they may be able to give an easier method. The method described above has worked very nice for me and is pretty easy once you get your website established. If you already have a website, then you're all set. Everything I do here, I learned here.