Here's what the boards are for-- Jeff is making platforms to sit over the sharp edged metal covers that cover the basement window pits. These are being made to make the area safer for the visitors to the lighthouse. They look nice as well as increase the safety of the area.

The new widow platforms match the equipment platform behind Dave, who is sprucing up the railroad ties with marble chips. The chips also make the railroad wheel area safer for the youngsters who might happen to play on the ties and slip.

The Waterson's enjoy a break and sandwich for lunch.

Some more of the crew enjoy lunch and some camaraderie doing a break...

Kay wasn't made to sit in the corner, she just arrived after the table was full...

After lunch, Dave helps Jeff trim a board to finish up the second basement window platform..

Gary plants a Hosta to replace one that didn't make it through the Winter.

And finally, just to show how thorough the Hoosier Lighthousing Club is , Larry replaces the old rusted screws on the signs around the grounds, with stainless steel screws..

All in all a Great day at the lighthouse with Great friends! We also had a short meeting and gave away some Great Harbour Lights lighthouses, including a HL104 Sandy Hook lighthouse..

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!