I think he is just rollin in from Mardi Gras. Lets take a look at the time line.... Lets see here fat Tuesday 11:45 pm nearly closing time accidently herded in to paddy wagon with some unruly drunks, sleep it off, post bond, gray hound bus to St. Louis Wednesday evening/ Thursday morning. A good nights sleep at the bus station, then Roy promptly picks him up at 10:30am then it's off to breakfast, then back to the McBee's for some lighthouse lore and dinner. Friday an early start heading east on interstate 70 towards Indianapolis to get a good seat for the Hoosier lighthouse club meeting, a stop off Friday night at the midwestern Harbour Lights museum. Saturday up early for another breakfast with Roy (it doesn't get any better) and then off to the club meeting.

Yep... the time line fits better than O.J.'s gloves, mystery solved!