Congratulations, Brent, on the news of your fairly new club. It sounds like the club is growing quickly. Be sure to read my posting and/or reply on this FORUM about our NELL club in New England, where I have listed some of the ideas we have used and which may benefit your club. I will be glad to give you any tips I can. One idea I suggest now to all clubs is to establish a Resource File, for entering any and all ideas referring to lighthouses, speakers, historians, slide lectures, cruises, etc. etc. that you and other members come across from newspapers, local magazines, announcements on radio or tv. It is easier to dip into a file for a club program idea than to rack one's brains trying to think what might work for the next meeting. Our club covers 6 states, and we rotate between them, so we really have to search out any and all ideas for 6 different sites.

