Last evening at 8:33pm on August 7, 2002 (National Lighthouse Day) the light shown again in the Windmill Point Lighthouse after an absence of 71 years!

TV Channel 3 out of Burlington was there most of the day capturing the event which was the TOP STORY on their evening newscast. They showed a shot of "Lucky" climbing up into the lantern room saying "Today makes me feel like a new man." Made you smile/made you cry. He was just so excited that his dream of restoring the light had finally come true.

In addition the story made the FRONT PAGE of the Burlington Free Press:

I'll give a better report and include some photos a bit later. It was just so great that someone we had met just once was thoughful enough to have invited I.O. and I to attend the relighting ceremony! (Now all I have to do is get us invited back to the next one at Isle La Motte scheduled for September!) smile