Hi all, I have come up with yet another poem. I feel like I've done more digging than Digger does just to find this post!

Well, here goes...

"The Pillar of Fire"

The cliff stands tall against the sea,
Which pounds its fists of fury on its rock,
And which pounds on a frail ship,
Struggling to stay afloat,
To see another day,
But the cliff is not safety,
With jagged, Forboding,
Pillars of rock.

The navigator on board that ship,
Strains to see through the spray,
To see any sign of unforgiving rocks,
Reaching into the sea.

Then he sees the flame's light,
Shimmering from above,
Flashing out to sea,
From a pillar of fire,
To all who were on the waters,
Of the world,
That guiding light,
Which brings sailors home.

This is the noble lighthouse,
Its supremacy unchallenged,
Its beauty unmatched,
The guiding pillar of fire,
The guardian of the reefs,
This lighthouse is the triumph,
Small as it may be,
Of man over the sea.

An original by Stephen S.

Please feel free to post any opinions or suggestions. Thanks.

