I have another new one. This one has to be the best, in my opinion, by far.

"Lighthouse Chronical"

From the noble cliff,
A light shines its warning,
To sailors of the night.
A work of a mason's hand,
Of a granite miner's,
Of a lumberjack's,
A glass-maker's,
And a brass-worker,
Is the grand light.

The light shines again,
To the sea below,
As the ocean,
The vast ocean,
Crashes on the rock,
And the bitter wind blows.
Then appearing,
From a cozy house,
Is the keeper,
With lantern raised,
Plodding out into the storm,
Facing wind,
And spray.
He checks the light,
Making sure it calls,
To all bold sailors,
"Beware me!
For I know,
Of reefs and shoals,
Of the deadly rocks,
Upon which I stand!
Journey on!"
And as canvas starts to mingle,
With salt and spray,
The keeper gives the clockwork,
One more wind,
And back into the bitter wind he goes,
Heading back into the cozy house,
With lantern upheld proudly,
As he realizes,
That he had saved a life tonight.

And that is a night,
At a lighthouse.
A chronical of sailors of yore,
And the keepers who are no more.

An Original By Stephen S.

[This message has been edited by Jake (edited 03-24-99).]
