SoL may have been a light, but it is no longer. I would not include it on a list of tallest LH - sorry, Eric.

Question was height of the lighthouse. Focal plane should be of no consequence in this list. If you were going to include height of focal plane, you would have to include lights such as Point Bonita and Point Reyes which are actually very short lights with very, very high focal plane. For example, Point Reyes is 35' with a focal plane of 294'. NPS listing does show both.

Corolla Light and Currituck Beach Light would have to be one and the same. Difference in height illustrates part of the problem with so many supposedly accurate web site listings. Cape Hatteras has been listed everywhere from 197' to 208', have never seen it listed as 196. The NPS Historical Light Station site lists it at 207' with 10' underground. Doesn't appear to have been revised to reflect the move.