My 2006 list:

1) Doubling Point Range Lights, ME.
2) Bailey's Harbor Range Lights, WI.
3) Munising Range Lights, MI.
4) Crisp Point, MI.
5) Anything in Canada.

So far, accomplished 1 and 5. My priorities have changed a bit though in the past three years.

My new list is based on regions and experiences:

1) Monomoy, MA. Really want to do that trip out there. Maybe with a revisit to the Cape lights included.

2) Return to the Chesapeake. I'll start this with a cruise with Chesapeake Lights to the southern Bay weekend after next, but there's a lot left.

3) Prince Edward Island. Seems like a great collection of lighthouses in a small area.

4) Lake Champlain. I have a feeling this one is getting close, I had a dream that I was visiting Windmill Point/Isle La Motte last night. It's inspiring, that's for sure. This may be a weekend trip this fall.

5) Canadian Great Lakes lights. I've seen plenty on the American side, but I'd love to see some of the Canadian ones. Thinking this might be Spring Break next year - a loop of Lakes Ontario and Erie...