Originally posted by wheland:
Well Mr Snowden thanks for chiming in with your opinion of some opinion's expressed here.

Now other than calling a name caller a name do you have anything to add to the discussion that is constructive?

What is your position as a member of both the community and of the Press?

Which side do you think is correct? Do you think that the elected representatives of your community are serving the interests of the community well in this instance?

Inquiring minds would like to hear what you have to say- and I promise I won't lump you in with others until you show where you stand on this particular issue.

You can even contact me directly if you don't wish to continue this here on a fairly open forum.

Look forward to your response.

Thank you,

Dennis Whelan

(plan on being one of those tourists luckily out of season next March laugh )
Actually, Mr. Whelan, I did not call a name caller a name.

I did take issue with the gentleman displaying his ignorance by lumping all Currituck residents into a single group.

And as for this gentleman:

Originally posted by JChidester:
Makes me want to ship those Currituck County folks a few bags of pig manure since they won't let us folks use their bathrooms.
I've felt that way over the vacationers who allow their dogs to take a dump on someone's front yard. Perhaps I should bag it up and send it back to them wink

My position on the lighthouse is very clear:

1) I supported the county efforts at acquisition of the lighthouse. The process as laid out in the Lighthouse Preservation Act was clear and straightforward, and the county would not have been serving the interests of the taxpayers of the county if they had not submitted an application.

I even went so far as to help them design a website to communicate their purpose.

I'm assuming you read the quote I gave The Independent Weekly:

"At that point we diverged from the county," says John Snowden, III, publisher of The Currituck Independent and owner of the "Save our Light" Web site. "After the OBC proved to be accountable by the Coast Guard, it seems like the county had backed themselves into a corner and there was no way for them to admit defeat. I think local politics has spawned all this."

2) My support went south after the process played out, and OBC was awarded ownership. They won fair and square, no questions.

Here is where I diverge from the opinions of those in county govt. The commissioners are acting like a bunch of kids who lost a game of backyard football and can't admit they lost. I wrote this in an editorial in my newspaper, The Independent.

And it is my honest belief that the average citizen in Currituck is tired of this squabble and would just as soon see their tax dollars going to more worthwhile projects, rather than pad the pockets of attorneys.

I've stated this publicly, before the commissioners at their meetings, and I have felt their retribution for stating my position.

As far as my post here, I just found it really humorous that you guys (and gals) are out here lambasting the whole of Currituck County because 4 elected officials are acting like a bunch of babies.

/J (that stands for John by the way)