Mr. Snowden,

The citizens of Currituck County have allowed the commissioners to stay in office. I would hope that those who do not agree with the sleazy and underhanded attempts by their elected government would mount a recall effort or work to elect a group of responsible people to run and represent the county. What appears to be the situation is a worst case scenario of a group of out-of-control yahoos on a vendetta attempting to steal the lighthouse which was awarded to OBC.

The supposedly upstanding elected officials have wasted countless of my US tax dollars causing audits of audits and investigations of investigations and every other underhanded trick they can think of. They have blown large amounts of local tax dollars that could have actually benefitted the citizens in their various persecution efforts. The leadership of Currituck County failed miserably in caring for previous historic property entrusted to them by the federal government. I'm sure this contributed to the very low score the county received when its bid was considered by DOI.

For all the years that OBC worked tirelessly to preserve the light, one that the county totally ignored, everyone thought they were great. When they are recognized for the fine job they have done and awarded ownership of the light to continue caring for, they become outside agitators? Perhaps this mentality is pervasive in your county -
Reminds me of the bumper sticker:
"If it's tourist season, why can't we shoot 'em?"
You want me to come visit your county and bring my tourist dollars to spend at your merchants, but you really don't welcome outsiders. Can't have it both ways.