I really want to have a little conversation with Congressman Walter B. Jones. I want to tell him what a load of nonsense they are throwing out here.

It's really ridiculous what is going on here. But maybe the problem is that we're showing our feelings in the wrong places.

Yeah, it's great to let out steam here on the CF about how we think this whole situation is. But I think that there is a 1:10,000,000 chance that any of these Currituck County morons read the CF.

What we have to do is take it to the source. And I mean it this time. I know people post phone numbers and emails and snail mails all the time. But I think nobody even bothers to call anymore. Maybe that's our problem.

This is the most pivotal point in this entire fiasco. What we have to do is become real activists over the next couple months. "Wacko Coalition for OBC" kind of thing.

We can complain all we want here on the CF, and it's good to network our feelings, but in the long run, it will probably have no effect. What we have to do is take these feelings off these pages and into the Currituck County Commissioners' Snail-, Voice-, and e-mail boxes.

We have one month before this fence goes in. If nothing gets done, I see the cover story of the Outer Banks newspapers:

"GMC Yukon Plows Through Lighthouse Fence."

mad mad mad mad mad mad mad mad (and more if we could put more than 8 smilies in a post)