Another point about the parking, rest room issues:

The rest room building is just across the street from the lighthouse and several hundred yards from the Whalehead Club. Anybody in need of going #1 or #2 will NOT want to make the long trek from the Whalehead Club to the bathrooms across the street from the lighthouse. (Of course there are other bathroom facilities within the Whalehead Club.)

The property for the Whalehead Club could probably park several thousand cars (not necessarily on paved parking spaces.)

I imagine the ratio of visitors to these two adjacent properties would be something like Whalehead Club 10%, Currituck Lighthouse 90%.

When the county thought they might get the lighthouse from the Department of the Interior, they were proposing to combine the two properties into one 'attraction.'

A recent news story indicated the County might be happy with a $1 'entrance fee' from those entering the lighthouse.

Probably 99.9% of those visiting Currituck Lighthouse arrive by private car.

I see nothing wrong with the county charging a per-vehicle parking fee that would also 'allow' use of the restrooms.

Heck if they want to get 'green' about it, they could add those coin-operated doors to the rest rooms. Kind of a "#1 + #2 surcharge" They could then re-cycle the visitor deposits to fertilize and water the grounds of the Whalehead Club.

Of course the County Commissioners and Rep. Walter Jones already are generating enough crap, so maybe that part of my plan won't be needed.

Are there any heads in North Carolina that include a 'voice of reason'? (Heads as in those attached to the neck, and usually containing a brain.)