
The Pelican Bay Light is a modern acrylic optic operated on household current, automatically turning on at dusk and off at daylight. It’s signature pattern is 3 white flashes every 20 seconds. The white octagonal tower is 35 feet high and is attached to a private residence. The focal plane of this light is 141 feet above the ocean and it can be seen approximately 12 miles at sea. The Pelican Bay Light is owned and maintained by Bill and Jo Ann Cady.

Bill Cady is no stranger to lighthouses and has always wanted to have a lighthouse of his own. His dad joined the US Lighthouse Service in 1903 and served for 37 years at several of California’s lighthouses. Bill lived and grew up at Point Loma, Cape Mendocino and Trinadad light stations. The Pelican Bay Light went through a rather lengthy process involving local government and the federal bureaucracy before it was activated on July 4, 1999. It is recognized by the USCG as an official private aid to navigation and
overlooks the Port of Brookings Harbor and the mighty Pacific Ocean. It also fills a 110 mile void between Cape Blanco to the north and California’s Trinidad Head.

The Cady’s continue to maintain their lighthouse home as a private residence and it is not open to the public. We ask that you please respect their privacy. The lighthouse can be viewed from the lower end of Boat Basin Road in Brookings Harbor, Oregon.