Whatever. Call me what you want for vacationing in a "county of crooks," I'm not, and really can't change it. My parents aren't exactly going to find a whole new community because of the lighthouse issue - it's hard enough to get them to go to an NJLHS meeting, no less to change our entire vacation plans and lose a really nice house because of a lighthouse.

As also previously stated, I'm going to continue to "boycott the boycott" on Currituck County. As I've stated, I think it's a stupid idea. The people down there are a real community that works on stuff together, and if we actually "befriended" them in a shop and got a bit of support going, it'll cause a much, much larger effect than having a few dozen out of the hundreds of thousands of people that visit Corolla each year boycotting their shops, most of which are in a different county from where the owners live and vote anyway.

Sorry, but I think it's a stupid concept, and other avenues could get the desired result in a much better fashion. It's not like the maybe $300-600 (if that) they'd lose across the entire county from all the Wackos going down there in June (for example) is going to really effect their bottom line - it'd be just a few more customers that they'll make up with one or two big purchases by someone else. Never missed you.

Better to go in, shop around a store as long as you have time for, talk to the cashier (if they're not Russian, than they might be able to help - Russians and such are usually summer help that come over and then go back to Europe, so can't impact at all). Bring up how you're coming as part of a lighthouse group, and work it in about the lighthouse. Ask if they're aware and how they feel about it. Ask if they're doing something about it. It'll have a much bigger effect on them and us than a silly boycott that barely loses them anything.

Maybe then, we can get the people who actually can make an impact to start making an impact, and start fixing this stuff. Don't forget, Congressional elections are this year - that's one chance to knock out one pin, but only those who can vote there can help, and only our business can befriend them and get them on our side.

Just my thought on the subject. Sorry if I don't "fit in" with the general consensus all the time, but I express my opinions on these subjects, and these are what they are. Don't agree? Oh well. I'll respect your opinion if you'll respect mine.