It'll be nice to be able to drive over the Dare/Currituck border later this month and not have to slare (okay, and a little more...) at the sign saying "Welcome to Currituck County."

It's time. Seeing the figure of $97K in legal fees shows it's time to end. I don't think that they'd make that much even if OBC paid every last fine it's supposed to. Currituck County, even with all the multimillion dollar Corolla homes, probably isn't a rich county (aren't a lot of those second home/investment properties tax free? Not sure), and that amount of money could have gone to much better causes, especially on the mainland area.

I'd love it if, when we go down in August, this was all over with. I personally like the idea of buying carpark space. It's convenient, nearby, and, if the spots I'm thinking of are the ones that would be purchased, a little awkward for visiting any of the CHP sites.

Just get it over with, and let's all move on. Nobody's amused with the game anymore.