The cost to move Cape Hatteras seems such a minimal amount compare to the government wasteful spending on projects as:

1. Millions of dollars were spent to find out if drunken fish are more agressive than sober fish.

2. $20,000 spend to construct a 800 foot limestone replica of the Great Wall of China in Bedford, IN.

3. $6,000 spent to prepare a 17-page document that told the federal government how to by a bottle of Worcestershire sauce.

4. The EPA spent $1.2 million to preserve a Trenton NJ sewer as a historical momument.

5. $219,592 spent to develop a curriculum to teach college students how to watch television.

6. $25,000 grant to study why people cheat, lie and act rudely on local Virginia tennis courts.

7. 64 Navy planes used to fly 1334 officers to the Hilton Hotel in Las Vegas for a reunion of the Tailhook Association.

8. $2 million spent on a prototype police patrol car that was never completed.

9. $80 million Medicade payments to psychiatrist for unscheduled, coincidental meetings with patients who were attending basketball games.

10. $28,600 to study how to spend another $250,000 for a good surfing beach in Honolulu.

Who do you think got the most for their money - the National Parks Systems or one of these ten.
