Have y'all thought this through?

Information's not very useful if you can't retrieve it they way you want or need to see it. Neither a new Forum topic nor a thread under an existing one will be indexed, thus some searches will be impossible after a few hundred links are added. For instance, how would you go about locating the preservation societies in Maine? Or on the Gulf Coast? Knowwhatimean?

The IILL (Internet Index of Lighthouse Links) is indexed in a number of very useful different ways (by region, by name, by state, etc.) which makes finding whatever you're looking for lots easier once you get it downloaded into your cache. In addition, there's a legend which shows what type of information can be found at the hyperlink destination. That is, a preservation society link or U.S. Coast Guard information link or maybe a link to pictures someone took while on vacation, etc. Please see St. John's earlier post as regards the legends or better yet, go look at the IILL itself.