After listening to Sec. Norton ramble on and on and not give a straight answer, I think I need to clean all the #$%^ out of my computer's speakers. This woman and her senior staff need to be gone yesterday! Sounds as if she has done very little positive for the country in a department that controls so much land and so many special areas around the country. I'm available right now, so maybe we should do a write in to the President "Dave for Secretary of the Interior". I couldn't do any worse of a job than Norton and her fools have.

I thought John was right on in trying to pin her down on why the stall, and he very effectively answered Diane's question to him. It just comes across as if Norton has no intention of following the law. I have to agree with an investigation of this woman, her senior staff and Congressidiot Jones. Be nice to find some criminal charges that could be brought as they are commiting a criminal act.

By the way,m John, I did have a PB ticket for last night, but maybe I better get another one for Saturday.
