Dear Representative Jones:

If you don't get the decision you want, perhaps you wield enough power to get advance notice of the decision you don't want and can get someone else you know to delay and disemble for you even more.

This isn't a Republican vs. Democrat issue, Mr. Jones. Your party was in power when the legislation was passed. Your person was in charge of the Department of the Interior when the rules were written on how lighthouses would be disposed of.

Your party was in power when you tried to circumvent the law -- and you apparently didn't have enough power on your side then.

Your buddies lost. The people who have put years of work and management into preserving and managing Currituck Lighthouse won. The good guys won.

If they weren't Republicans then, they sure aren't now after you've tried every political trick to make things go the way you wanted.

You should be ashamed, Mr. Jones. Very ashamed.