The Outer Banks Conservationists Need Our Help!!

Judy - Let's not forget Secretary of the Interior, Gale Norton:

Also the White House:

Comments: 202 456-1111
Switchboard: 202 456-1414

President George W. Bush:

Vice President Dick Cheney:

All members of the Lighthouse Community in this country need to let President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Interior Secretary Norton, Assistant Interior Secretary Manson and the Chairman of the Council on Environmental Quality, James L. Connaughton know their feelings about the transfer of ownership of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse! We need to make ourselves known to the people who will be making the decision on this urgent matter!

The Outer Banks Conservationists are the one and only group who deserve to be awarded ownership of the Currituck Beach Lighthouse which they worked for years to restore and preserve!

There is no place for politics in this decision. All Americans who care about Preserving Our Historic Lighthouses for Future Generations Need to Stand Up Now and let our voices be heard! We need to act now before it is too late!

All my best,
Paul Conlin
Acting Secretary,
American Lighthouse Foundation

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American Lighthouse Foundation
P.O. Box 565
Rockland, Maine 04841

207 594-4174