On Saturday March 18th, about 25 volunteers showed up at the Saginaw River Rear Range Light to see what lie ahead of them. For many, including myself, it was the first time inside this lighthouse which is trapped on private property, having no public access.

To say I was excited is an understatement. The weather was perfect. It was sunny and warm for Michigan in March.

With the lighthouse on DOW Chemical property, access is strict. We had to meet at the old U.S.C.G. access gate and lock it behind us after we entered. Arriving at the site, we gathered and listened to a brief presentation on the history of the light and on work needing to be done outside. Work like taking up all of the old concrete and any stones lying around that could be use to break out new windows. A brush hog is going to be brought in to clear the grounds of weeds and overgrowth.

Inside the lighthouse it was dark. Electricity has long been cut to the building, but it wouldn't have mattered as vandals have taken all of the light switches, fixtures, sockets, bulbs, everything! Also missing was doors, wood work, sinks, toilets, cabnets, pretty much anything and everyhing. Someone even tried taking the shower enclosure.

As bad as it sounds though, it is not. First and formost, Dow is footing the bill for the restoration. Other work is being donated by groups and businesses. For example, there is some asbestos needing removal. This work is being donated.

We will get started in April by removing all of the existing plumbing, electrical, and scrap lying around. Windows will be placed and a new roof added. Since the light is on the National Register of Historic Places, care has to be taken to keep certain things looking original, and we are working with them on that. The structure is sound. Brick work on the outside is in good shape and on the interior there hasn't been a mold or mildew problem, nor has there been a problem with birds, droppings or rodents.

Things are looking up! Work will begin soon and there will be more reports to follow.

Rather than use up valuable forum disk space by posting individual photos here, I have linked to all of my photos. It will also save time in loading this thread.

To view the photos click below:

Thanks for following this work in progress!
