The debate goes on!!
Would I have the same feeling finding a lightning rod as I would getting a extended LE?
Would I like to have a regular size Southern Belle extended LE instead of a smaller GLOW?
There are pluses and minuses to both, but there must be a reason "HL" didn't create a second mold?
Some of the original "17" can still be found on the shelves at retail. Are some of the short runs only popular because of the limited size of the edition and the "must have them all" collector?
A lot of questions, and I'm sure a lot of different answers depending on each collectors preferences for each piece.

As a new collector, I really don't like some of the old pieces compared to the new because of the lack of detail. BUT, because of location and possibly reasonable price I'll add a couple of the "17". I know I got a real kick getting my first lightning rod.
I also got a rush out of discovering a Canadian made piece at retail on the internet; only to find out it was just sold 2 hours before I called.

Enough rambling. The only thing I'm sure of is, I'm sure my above opinions will continue to change based on time, supply, value, and resources.

[This message has been edited by rscroope.]