The LE of Fort Niagara is of the lighthouse that is outside of the Fort Niagara walls. As others have noted, the one I'm referring to was the original light atop the large building on the grounds of the Fort. The LE sculpture is almost hidden now as the trees around it have grown to such heights that it could easily be missed. It was supposed to have become a museum and gift shop, but there was nothing to indicate that it was, in fact, used for that purpose when we were there last week.

Unrelated to Fort Niagara, we were able to get pictures of Ogdensburg LH during our trek along the Seaway. The owner was mowing his lawn and beckoned Stan over to get some better pics. During his conversation he mentioned that someone from a HL competitor (think eating utensil and add "tiques") had come onto his property and that of other private LH owners along the Seaway and taken pictures without their permission or knowledge. They had then used those pictures to sculpt their offerings and not given any credit to the owners. They (the owners) presently have a lawsuit pending. Pretty shoddy public relations on the part of the competitor. No trespassing means just that!