Thanks Art for the great link to the picture of this wonderful tall ship, the Eagle.
I would opt for a slightly smaller-scale ship rather than the larger-scale lighthouse (if that needed to be done at all). I'm not sure how tall the Eagle is (above the waterline) but the lighthouse is 80 feet tall.
A submarine passing wouldn't present as much of a problem (mostly underwater) but then it wouldn't be much of an Anchor Bay piece (unless, of course, the submerged section of the sub were depicted underwater and could still be seen from the side view). To do this the submerged section of the sub could be encased in acrylic with the top of the acrylic shaped and colored like waves, ripples, or even a wake. This could be a real challenge for Younger & Associates to step into this expanded medium.
I do think that New London Harbor Light should be done to complete the early lighthouses and I like the idea of a passing ship (be it the Eagle from the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London or a submarine from the Sub Base in Groton).
Whether or not this concept is made up of a single Harbour Lights piece, or a Harbour Lights piece and an Anchor Bay piece is best left to the folks at Younger & Assoc.
Thanks again HL & John, for giving us this great site where we can express our ideas and share them with others.


(CT Keeper)