My condolenses to Cliff. That stinks big time. Does Cliff have a copy of the Greenbook Guide to HL's? We all know that book is full of over inflated values. Even if the insurance company paid him half the estimated value in Greenbook, he might make out okay.

I don't believe insurance companies have any sympathy for collectible owners unless you are paying them a rather large premium to insure your pieces. Insurance companies take your money with a smile but then burst into tears when they have to pay a claim. They cry so much they raise your rates or refuse to insure you in the future after coughing up money to pay a claim.

The last thing Cliff wants is for his insurance company to puruse eBay to get a rough idea of values. Prices are in the toilet at eBay right now.

Is Cliff a forum member? If he is, have him keep us appraised of what is happening so others might know the correct thing to do if they ever have such a bad experience.

frown Bob frown