Originally posted by JChidester:
Clearly Wal-Mart is focused on the price. When the kind of juice I buy (made in USA)- Ocean Spray Lite Ruby Grapefruit Drink - is $2.99/ half gallon at Super Wal-Mart and $3.99 everywhere else, why buy it for a buck a bottle more? Wal-Mart doesn't always have the lowest prices - but they'll match any other store's advertised prices (you have to ask.)
Gee, and I was not trying to get off the track! laugh What have I done?!?

Okay, working in retail, I know that they dictate to the vendors how much they'll pay or they can take their product elsewhere. With all of the Wal-Mart stores, saying we'll put you in our stores (sometimes exclusively) means big $$ even if it is less than they would've made spreading their products around, but they get it quicker by dealing it for a lower price and to one supplier. Problem is, this will lead to one of several things happening...we all know the big-wigs aren't going to take a loss; either the company starts cheating you on size, starts using cheaper materials and/or cutting corners, they initiate mass lay-offs which (besides the obvious) makes more of a work load for less people at the same or lower wages, or they go under. The competing stores all start operating on skeleton crews, decrease hours and/or benefits...well, you get the picture...they pay college graduates to come in and devise strategies to project how elimianating the competition, drives down wages and eliminates jobs and makes us all have to shop at Wal-Mart because we can't afford to shop anywhere else, and/or our second and third jobs make our time so limited that we have to do everything at a one-stop-shop!

Anyhoo, back to the ball game!! wink


BTW, Lorie...this is nothing personal...just trying to educate the masses! smile

Health through education, for a much misguided nation!!