I sent the 30 volumes out today and for the most part everything went smooth. The 2 exceptions are in the first group of collectors I sent the volumes to there were 7-8 that did not receive the 5th email containing Volumes 2G and 2H. I resent email 5 to all those first group of collectors.

The second hiccup was that even though I gave advance notice the volumes were coming and that everyone that receives these volumes should make sure their mailbox was emptied, I still had 6 collectors that had their mailbox full. I sent an email to each of these collectors telling them to tell me which of the emails was missing and I would resend.

Otherwise, all went well and enjoy your reading. Comments are always welcome either in this sub-forum or by email to flacoastie@embarqmail.com and I will enjoy reading whatever you have to say.
