Mary Heuvelhorst posted the following on the facebook Harbour Lights Page.. I thought I would copy and paste here for those of you who aren't on facebook..

Today is our day to ask you and yours for prayers!
Many of you know myself and Herman. We have been married for 33 years and dated for 8 years...many years together ...but not long enough.
Herman walked 6 miles a day for 30 years delivering mail to his 600+ customers. He retired July 2007.
Thru the HL years, we have attended all the reunions, several regionals, etc.
This past Saturday, my husband suffered a major stroke. Unbelieveable!!!
We are in Ann Arbor, Mi. at the University of Michigan hospital.
Receiving the upmost care,
Herman is in a coma. I am pleading for prayers for him to wake.
Our life together is a blessing..the first time I saw Herman was on a Sunday at Mass!
Please pray for us!

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!