You may not realize it, but you have just given excellent reasons WHY the reunion needs to have more days to it; and why it would be nice to have the actual reunion meals and programs in a larger convention style facility that can allow enough room to do all and see everyone without being sandwiched into tight spaces. It would then also allow for members to reserve at their choice of motels/hotels with a price structure they can afford.

I disagree that the numbers should be even further limited. At 700 you had a lot of disappointed people. It is hard enough for an average collector with just one home phone line to get registered. I am hearing of members who had 4 phone lines to work with at once. That is not too fair either. If registrations are further limited, there will be many wackos who also won't be able to attend. Maybe you will be one of them; maybe me also. Wackos will never be able to meet each other, under those limiting circumstances. Such exclusivity should not have a part in an organization like this where we all want to become friends, meet, and work toward common lighthouse goals. Hopefully HL realizes this and is working now towards a way to let anyone who so wishes, attend a reunion.
