If you as a buyer had your choice of one with or another without a box, you'd choose the boxed one. But if the unboxed one were a 2 digit serial number and the boxed one were a 4 digit - would you hestiate a second to buy the lower # at the same price even though it came without a box?

Yes I would hesitate. Only if I was one of the folks who thrive on low numbers would I consider taking it without the box when offered a higher numbered piece with the box.

Boxes are a pita - no doubt about it. Idle speculation: The fact that someone has the box, packing material, and associated papers indicates to me they may be more likely to be someone who has taken good care of the piece and understands collectibles than not. It may be more likely that someone who has tossed the box and packing materials is less aware of what they have and perhaps (only perhaps) are they less likely to have taken pristine care of it. Iow, No Box = Heathen Goon. ;->

Its not clear to me about the value of low numbered pieces, though I acknowledge some folks seem to prefer them. Molds are changed frequently enough that low numbers aren't more likely to be better castings - though they may be more likely to carry a valued variation. However, faced as I am with the prospect of moving in about a year I definitely have a idea on the value of having the box. Imagine moving 100+ HL models *without* boxes and packing materials.
